Radixin: cytoskeletal adopter and signaling proteinAdopter segments, adoption determinants and mobile marketing. J Targ Meas Anal MarkAn adopter-centric approach to analyze the diffusion patterns of innovative residential heating systems in SwedenAdopter characteristics and adoption patterns of minimum tillage: implications for soil conservation programs [Iowa].Segmenting internet banking adopter and non‐adopters in the Turkish retail banking sectorErratum to "Innovation Diffusion in a Dynamic Potential Adopter Population"Factors affecting the adoption of telemedicine--a multiple adopter perspectiveBinomial innovation diffusion models with dynamic potential adopter populationInnovation generation process: Applying the adopter categorization model and concept of “chasm” to better understand social and be...Adoption of information systems innovations by individuals: A study of processes involving contextual, adopter, and influencer actions