Catechisms of health: the body in prebellum classroom.Catechisms of Health: The Body in the Prebellum ClassroomCivic catechisms and reason in the French RevolutionConfessions and Catechisms of the ReformationOf Catechisms and Sermons: Church-State Relations in France, 1890–1905The language of the Old Prussian catechismsCOMMENTARY DOGMATISMS AND CATECHISMS — ETHICS AND COMPANION ANIMALS I . THE EMERGENCE OF A NEWA confident call to faith: Rediscovering the relevance of Christian catechismsThe Christian's ABC: Catechisms and Catechizing in England c. 1530â1740. By GreenIan. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. xiv + 767 ...The Political Dimension of Religious Catechisms in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century Europe La dimension politique des catéchismes re...