- Early lesions can be successfully treated with irradiation or cautery and curettage.
Cautery probes for endoscopic electrosurgical suction-irrigation instrument
Tubal anastomosis following unipolar cautery
Trabeculectomy Versus Scleral Cautery Scheie Procedure-A Comparative Study
Endocrine changes after laparoscopic ovarian cautery in polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Argon laser punctal therapy versus thermal cautery for the treatment of aqueous deficiency dry eye syndrome.
Laparoscopic treatment of polycystic ovaries with insulated needle cautery: a reappraisal.
Corneal neovascularization induced by xenografts or chemical cautery. Inhibition by cyclosporin A
Efficacy of hot biopsy forceps. Cold micro-snare and micro-snare with cautery techniques in the removal of diminutive colonic polyps
Two-Surgeon Technique for Hepatic Parenchymal Transection of the Noncirrhotic Liver Using Saline-Linked Cautery and Ultrasonic Disse...
Dissolution of pulmonary carcinoma via argon laser bronchoscopy 1st clinical use of fiber optic metal cautery cap heated by laser ra...