Differential Analysis of Container Terminal Plane Layouts Adopted in China and AbroadGene synthesis kitA FAST FIXED-POINT ALGORITHM FOR INDEPENDENT COMPONENT ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX VALUED SIGNALSConvergence analysis of canonical genetic algorithmsAnalysis of the structure, transcripts, and protein products of bcl-2, the gene involved in human follicular lymphoma.Parametrization of Closed Surfaces for 3-D Shape DescriptionA YIELD‐FACTOR MODEL OF INTEREST RATESt(8;21) breakpoints on chromosome 21 in acute myeloid leukemia are clustered within a limited region of a single gene, AML1Isolation and characterization of the rat chromosomal gene for a polypeptide (pS1) antigenically related to statintrkB, a neural receptor protein-tyrosine kinase: evidence for a full-length and two truncated receptors.