- It must be wielded in spite of the ceaseless, howling protests of the wicked.
它必须在不绝的怨恨以及咆哮邪恶的抗议中的得以运用。 - His ceaseless chatter began to annoy me.
他不停的唠叨使我厌烦起来。 - The girl's ceaseless cry makes us feel pity for her.
ceaseless wind
Ceaseless Case-Based Reasoning
Ceaseless Case-Based Reasoning.
Ceaseless, unpredictable creativity: Language as technology
Ceaseless Toil? Health and Labor Supply of the Elderly in Rural China
Inhibition causes ceaseless dynamics in networks of excitable nodes.
Puberty, kisspeptin and glutamate: A ceaseless golden braid
‘A tradition in ceaseless motion’: critical race theory and black British intellectual spaces
RUGBY UNION: White Wonders Repel Ceaseless All Black Attack ; SOUTH AFRICA 22 NEW ZEALAND 16
Gergen, Confluence, and his Turbulent, Relational Ontology: The Constitution of Our Forms of Life within Ceaseless, Unrepeatable, In...