- She became a celebrity overnight.
她一下变成名人了。 - He was voted the worst dressed celebrity.
大家一致认为他是衣着最差的名人。 - Celebrity, money and possessions are too often the touchstones for teenagers.
名誉、金钱和财产常常成为青少年们衡量事物的标准。 - She achieved celebrity status overnight.
Effectiveness of celebrity endorsers.
The Economic Worth of Celebrity Endorsers: An Event Study Analysis
Who is the Celebrity Endorser? Cultural Foundations of the Endorsement Process
Physical Celebrity Attractiveness of Endorser : the Social Adaptation Perspective
The impact of celebrity spokespersons' perceived image on consumers' intention to purchase.
Physical Attractiveness of the Celebrity Endorser: A Social Adaptation Perspective
The impact of a celebrity promotional campaign on the use of colon cancer screening: the Katie Couric effect
The Impact of Corporate Credibility and Celebrity Credibility on Consumer Reaction to Advertisements and Brands
An investigation into the "match-up"hypothesis in celebrity advertising: When beauty may be only skin deep.
Construction and validation of a scale to measure celebrity endorsers' perceived expertise, trustworthiness, and attractiveness.