- His face reminded me somehow of a centaur.
他的脸使我想起半人半马的怪物。 - The astronomer looked at the starry sky, trying to locate Centaur.
Centaur: the system
Centaur: the system
Centaur: the system
CENTAUR: The system
The Composition of Centaur 5145 Pholus
The Mauna Kea-Cerro-Tololo (MKCT) Kuiper Belt and Centaur Survey
Performance of the Advia Centaur second-generation troponin assay TnI-Ultra compared with the first-generation cTnI assay
Use of the Centaur TnI-Ultra assay for detection of myocardial infarction and adverse events in patients presenting with symptoms su...
Performance evaluation of a specific IgE assay developed for the ADVIA centaur immunoassay system.
Analytical and clinical evaluation of the Bayer ADVIA Centaur automated B-type natriuretic peptide assay in patients with heart fail...