change into, change for
change into 变成 Water changes into ice.
change for 调换成, Change the shirt for a bigger one.
- She came from nowhere into national fame.
她从无名之辈变成全国闻名。 - A tadpole is transformed into a frog.
Will the frog change into a prince? Predicting future customer profitability
Bringing change into the lives of the poor: Entrepreneurship outside traditional boundaries
Navigating change into the new millennium: themes and issues for the learning organization
Constructing a new professional identity: Career change into teaching
The Systematic Structure-Change into the Molecule-like Structures in the Self-Conjugate 4n Nuclei
Dynamic hydrogels: translating a protein conformational change into macroscopic motion.
Work for all or mass unemployment? : computerised technical change into the twenty-first century
Integration of albedo effects caused by land use change into the climate balance: Should we still account in greenhouse gas units?
Impacts of past climate and sea level change on Everglades wetlands: placing a century of anthropogenic change into a late-Holocene ...
How Ecological and Genetic Factors Interact to Determine When Self-Fertilizing Hermaphrodites of Rivulus marmoratus Change into Func...