adventitious bud不定芽,附属芽
adventitious root[植]不定根
- The adventitious birth of our fourth child completely changed our plan.
第四个孩子偶然的出生,完全改变了我们的计画。 - As a successful advertiser , he realized it and advised his boss to catch this adventitious and advantageous chance.
Nature of the use of adventitious carbon as a binding energy standard
Strigolactones suppress adventitious rooting in Arabidopsis and pea.
Fish Assemblage Dynamics in an Adventitious Stream: A Landscape Perspective
Auxin and light control of adventitious rooting in Arabidopsis require ARGONAUTE1
Phytochemical deterrence of snowshoe hare browsing by adventitious shoots of four alaskan trees
Ethylene-promoted adventitious rooting and development of cortical air spaces (aerenchyma) in roots may be adaptive responses to flo...
Phenotypic Plasticity of Adventitious Rooting in Arabidopsis Is Controlled by Complex Regulation of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR Transcript...
Viral nucleic acids in live-attenuated vaccines: detection of minority variants and an adventitious virus.
Changes in growth, porosity, and radial oxygen loss from adventitious roots of selected mono‐ and dicotyledonous wetland species wi...
Nitric oxide mediates the indole acetic acid induction of a mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade involved in adventitious root d...