The Chare Kernel Parallel Programming Language and System
Chare Kernel—a runtime support system for parallel computations
The Chare-Kernel Base Language: Preliminary Performance Results
A dynamic scheduling strategy for the Chare-Kernel system
A dynamic scheduling strategy for the Chare-Kernel system
Long lived photo-initiated chare-separation in carotene-diporphyrin triad mole cules
Thermodynamics of aqueous piperazine/potassium carbonate/carbon dioxide chare cterized by the electrolyte non-random two-liquid mode...
Reconstructing the soil food web of a 100 million-year-old forest: The case of the mid-Cretaceous fossils in the amber of Charentes ...
Stratigraphie et paléontologie (plantes, vertébrés) de la série paralique Albien terminal-Cénomanien basal de Tonnay-Charente (...
Stratigraphie et paléontologie (plantes, vertébrés) de la série paralique Albien terminal-Cénomanien basal de Tonnay-Charente (...