CherubinInfective endocarditis at the Presbyterian Hospital in New York City from 1938–1967Multiply resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains from two Chicago hospitals: identification of the extended-spectrum TEM-12 and TEM-...Past and current roles for cephalosporin antibiotics in treatment of meningitis. Emphasis on use in gram-negative bacillary meningit...The Medical Complications of Drug Addiction and the Medical Assessment of the Intravenous Drug User: 25 Years LaterListeria and Gram-negative bacillary meningitis in New York City, 1972-1979. Frequent causes of meningitis in adults.The Medical Sequelae of Narcotic AddictionBactericidal effects of antibiotics on slowly growing and nongrowing bacteria.Relation of Temperature to Activity of Western and St. Louis Encephalitis Viruses.The medical complications of drug addiction and the medical assessment of the IV drug users: twenty-five years later