- Saab is a household name, best known for incorporating aero technology and design into automobile manufacturing to achieve the best result in aerodynamics.
On Sound Generated Aerodynamically. I. General Theory
Aero-gel assisted synthesis of anatase TiO2 nanoparticles for humidity sensing application
Effect of the Aero-Engine Mounting Stiffness on the Whole Engine Coupling Vibration
The Bakerian Lecture, 1961. Sound Generated Aerodynamically
On the Given Life and Life Extension Method of Aero-engine
An etiological role for aeroallergens and eosinophils in experimental esophagitis.
Design of Multi-variable Augmented LQR Controller for Civil Aero-engine
Learning curve approach to reliability monitoring. IEEE Trans Aero AS-2:563-566
The prevalence of positive reactions in the atopy patch test with aeroallergens and food allergens in subjects with atopic eczema: a...
Estimated total emissions of trace gases from the Canberra Wildfires of 2003: a new method using satellite measurements of aerosol o...