- My father wanted me to become a civil servant.
The Civil Servant as Legislator: Law Making in British Administration
Civil servant identity at the crossroads: new challenges for public administrations
Compare between China and Foreign Countries about Civil Servant' s Training
A Nurse and a Civil Servant changing institutions: Entrepreneurial processes in different public sector organizations
Motivation Crowding and the Federal Civil Servant: Evidence from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service
China' s Entry into WTO and Reselection of Incentive Form of Civil Servant
The performance evaluation of civil servant:problems in practice and the exploration of the corresponding measures
Are Lean Smokers at Increased Risk of Lung Cancer?: The Israel Civil Servant Cancer Study
Managing Health Services in Developing countries: between the ethics of the civil servant and the need for moonlighting: managing an...
Linking work–family conflict to career commitment: The moderating effects of gender and mentoring among Nigerian civil servants.