- The results showed that the garstric arteries of necked pheasants came from the coeliac artery.
Coeliac disease.
Coeliac Disease and Malignancy
Coeliac disease--associated disorders and survival
Apparatus for suturing coeliac tissues
Malignancy in coeliac disease--effect of a gluten free diet
The Oslo definitions for coeliac disease and related terms
Mortality in patients with coeliac disease and their relatives: a cohort study.
The coeliac iceberg in Italy. A multicentre antigliadin antibodies screening for coeliac disease in school-age subjects.
Clinical and pathological spectrum of coeliac disease--active, silent, latent, potential.
Gluten specific, HLA-DQ restricted T cells from coeliac mucosa produce cytokines with Th1 or Th0 profile dominated by interferon gam...