- The ciliated funnel-shaped inner opening of a nephridium into the coelom in some invertebrates and lower vertebrates.
The coelom and the origin of the annelid body plan
The origin of the coelom in Brachiopoda and its phylogenetic significance
Coelom formation: binary decision of the lateral plate mesoderm is controlled by the ectoderm
Are Platyhelminthes Coelomates without a Coelom? An Argument Based on the Evolution of Hox Genes
Dynamics in metazoan evolution : the origin of the coelom and segments
The cnidarian premises of metazoan evolution: From triploblasty, to coelom formation, to metamery
The Development of Melanophores from Embryonic Mouse Tissues Grown in the Coelom of Chick Embryos.
The Development of Normal and Homozygous Brachy (T/T) Mouse Embryos in the Extraembryonic Coelom of the Chick.
Evidence for the involvement of muscle tropomyosin in the contractile elements of the coelom-esophagus complex in sea urchin embryos.
Studies on the cellular basis of morphogenesis in the sea urchin embryo : Formation of the coelom, the mouth, and the primary pore-c...