- The men are almost comically similar: white and middle-aged, their growing paunches concealed beneath polo shirts.
滑稽的是,这两位看起来极为相似。他们都是年到中年的白种人,不断变大的啤酒肚在开领短袖衬衫下若隐若现。 - I couldn’t think of any actress who could pull this scene off as sexily and comically as Jamie Lee Curtis does.
A woman ordered a puffer jacket from Urban Outfitters that turned out to be comically large — and people are having a field day wit...
Even Homer Nods, but Not So Comically ... or Productively
Comically serious: trauma and shame in coming-of-age graphic narratives
Patriarchy to the Slaughter - Comically
Review: 'Greek' Comically Extends Tale of 'Sarah Marshall' Character
The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit ; to the Uninitiated, He Is a Designer Who Makes (and Wears) Comically Ill-Fitting Suits. to His De...
The Comically Infinite Man1
Old saws repaired.(proverbs, used comically)
Loopholes: Reading comically
Thin 'SNL' Skit Makes for Yet Another Comically Deprived Hollywood Borefest