用作介词 (prep.)
动词+~- ask after问候,问好
- dance after sb's pipe听从某人的指挥
- feel after摸索着寻找
- follow after跟在…后面,追随;追求;争取
- go after追逐,追求,谋求
- inquire after问候,问好,搜索
- keep after继续追赶,责备,挑剔,反复地要求
- look after注视,照顾
- make after追赶
- name after以…的名字起名
- run after追逐
- search after追求
- see after照料,负责
- seek after追求,竞相争购
- send after派人寻找
- start after开始追赶
- strain after尽力追
- take after长得像,性格类似于,追赶
- whore after追随,追求
动词+副词+~- take off after追赶,追捕
- take out after追赶,追捕
名词+~- aspiration after …渴望…
- day after day日复一日,每日
- month after month一月又一月,每月
- night after night一夜又一夜,每夜
- one after another一个接一个地,接连地
- one after the other一个接一个地
- time after time一再,屡次
- year after year年复一年地,年年
~+名词- after a fashion稍许,马马虎虎
- after a manner稍许,马马虎虎
- after a sort稍许,马马虎虎
- after a style稍许,马马虎虎
- after a while过一会儿
- after all毕竟,终究;究竟
- after hours工作时间之后
- after sb's fancy中某人的意
- after sb's own heart合某人心意
- after tax扣除税款之后
- after the fact作案后
- after the fashion (of)仿效
- after while过一会儿
~+副词用作副词 (adv.)
名词+~- the day after第二天
- three days after三天后
副词+~- ever after从那以后
- soon after不久
after all毕竟;终究
go after追求,追逐
ever after从此以后一直
after hours adv. 下班;工作完毕后
after, behind
behind 强调物体静态位置的前后 There are many trees behind the house.
- They met in June and became lovers soon after.
他们在六月相遇, 不久就成了情侣。 - The day after, he apologized.
次日,他道歉了。 - They lived happily ever after.
- After dinner we paired off and went to dance.
饭后我们成双成对地跳舞去了。 - After travelling for three days I slept for twenty hours at a stretch.
连续3天旅行之后,我一连睡了20个小时。 - C comes after B in the alphabet.
在字母表中C接在B后面。 - They inquired after you.
他们问候你。 - We ran after the thief.
我们追赶窃贼。 - We've named the baby after you.
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