- It was easier to endure his insolence than his commiseration.
他的怜悯比污辱更难于接受。 - The big, kindly, and shrewd eyes of Tushin were fixed upon him with sympathy and commiseration.
图申那一对仁慈而聪明的大眼睛怜悯地凝视着他。 - There are exclamations of congrat-ulation and commiseration as the women learn friends' assignments.
当这些女人知道朋友的飞行路线时,总会发出道贺和同情的呼声。 - I offered him my commiseration.
Grief, commiseration, and consumption following the death of a celebrity
Is Mencius' Doctrine of 'Commiseration' Tenable?
Commiseration and Expiation: Battle Cry for Self-Identification of Female Sex in WANG An'yi and TIE Ning's love novels
Commiseration with a Frontier Trapper: A Reflection by a First-Year Attending Emergency Physician.
The New Russians: Nostalgia for the Occupier, Commiseration for the Immigrant
Pity, Compassion, Commiseration: Theories of Theatrical Relatedness
The Politics of Commiseration: On the Communicative Labors of “Co‐Mothering” in El Alto
Commiseration: A Dialogue between Marxian Critical Theory and Existential Philosophy
Context, Communication and Commiseration: Psychological and Practical Considerations in Change Management.