- The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace.
有常识的联邦政府不再使用不寻常的陈腐之言。 - The reader is given the commonsense tools that patients need in order to have ownership of their disease.
- He is sadly lacking in commonsense.
他极为缺乏常识。 - Anybody who has commonsense will not believe such a rumour.
Commonsense Reasoning in and Over Natural Language
Commonsense Reasoning in and Over Natural Language
Commonsense Knowledge Representation Based on Fuzzy Logic
Discourse Processing and Commonsense Plans
Commonsense reasoning about causality: deriving behavior from structure
Commonsense Reasoning about Causality: Deriving Behavior from Structure *
Commonsense Conceptions of Emergent Processes: Why Some Misconceptions Are Robust
Beyond "commonsense segmentation": a systematics of segmentation approaches in tourism.
Common Consensus: A web-based game for collecting commonsense goals
Temporal Interpretation, Discourse Relations and Commonsense Entailment