- Please do not loiter in one street after school.
放学后,请不要在街头徘徊。 - I will walk home after school this afternoon.
Are child developmental outcomes related to before- and after-school care arrangements? Results from the NICHD study of early child ...
A Meta-Analysis of After-School Programs That Seek to Promote Personal and Social Skills in Children and Adolescents
Chapter 20 Pre-School, Day Care, and After-School Care: Who's Minding the Kids?
Low-Income Children's After-School Care: Are There Beneficial Effects of After-School Programs?
Prevention of conduct disorder before and after school entry: Relating interventions to developmental findings.
Abstract 3710: Stanford GEMS (Girls health Enrichment Multisite Studies): Long-Term Efficacy of After-School Dance and Screen Time R...
Relationships between five after-school activities and academic achievement.
The Impact of After-School Programs that Promote Personal and Social Skills.
Organized activities as contexts of development : extracurricular activities, after-school, and community programs
Organized Activities as Contexts of Development: Extracurricular Activities, After School and Community Programs