- Though the man was in aftercare , he would be in charge of the agenda .
Drug and family therapy in the aftercare of acute schizophrenics.
Nutritional supplementation for hip fracture aftercare in older people
Nutritional supplementation for hip fracture aftercare in the elderly.
Nutritional supplementation for hip fracture aftercare in older people.
Housing instability and homelessness among aftercare patients of an urban state hospital.
Drug and sociotherapy in the aftercare of schizophrenic patients. III. Adjustment of nonrelapsed patients.
Day treatment and psychotropic drugs in the aftercare of schizophrenic patients. A Veterans Administration cooperative study.
Fluphenazine and social therapy in the aftercare of schizophrenic patients. Relapse analyses of a two-year controlled study of fluph...
Family Psychoeducation, Social Skills Training, and Maintenance Chemotherapy in the Aftercare Treatment of Schizophrenia: I. One-Yea...
Family Psychoeducation, Social Skills Training, and Maintenance Chemotherapy in the Aftercare Treatment of Schizophrenia: II. Two-Ye...