
  • 释义

    [人名] 阿加丝;

  • 学习怎么用


    Polypyrrole-polysaccharide thin films characteristics: Electrosynthesis and biological properties
    Endogenous FGF-2 is critically important in PTH anabolic effects on bone
    Reduced expression and function of bone morphogenetic protein‐2 in bones of Fgf2 null mice
    In vivo and in vitro comparison of the effects of FGF-2 null and haplo-insufficiency on bone formation in mice
    FGF-2 enhances Runx-2/Smads nuclear localization in BMP-2 canonical signaling in osteoblasts.
    On the use of the atmospheric heat sinks for heat dissipation
    Anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 enhancing requires FGF-2/FGF receptor 1 binding in mouse osteoblasts
    Endocrine disruptors and bone metabolism
    Prostaglandin F2α: a bone remodeling mediator.
    Involvement of p53 in phthalate effects on mouse and rat osteoblasts.