- She was confounded at the sight of the accident.
她一看到那事件就感到惊惶失措。 - A crowd of confounded bystanders stared at the appalling wreckage.
一群困惑的旁观者瞪视着可怕的残骸。 - You are a confounded nuisance. Stop pestering me.
- The poor election results confounded the government.
Soil water content and temperature as independent or confounded factors controlling soil respiration in a temperate mixed hardwood f...
Homophily and Contagion Are Generically Confounded in Observational Social Network Studies
Those confounded vitamins: what can we learn from the differences between observational versus randomised trial evidence?
Stress and adaptational outcomes: The problem of confounded measures.
Symptoms, hassles, social supports, and life events: problem of confounded measures
Isaac Anthony A and Usoro Anthony E : The Modified Balanced Confounded Design algorithm for constructing N-Point D-Optimal global de...
Suggested causal association between cadmium and nephrotoxicity in voles: possibly confounded [comment on the paper by Leffler, P.E...
Assessing the outcomes in patients with nonconvulsive status epilepticus: nonconvulsive status epilepticus is underdiagnosed, potent...
XXXV.—On Cyanocitta, a proposed new genus of Garrulinæ, and on C. superciliosa, a new species of b...
Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement by A. N. Oppenheim