  • abbr.

    Auxiliary General Electronics Research Ship(s) 辅助常规电子试验船;

  • 学习怎么用


    The golden agers and tick-borne encephalitis
    Stone agers in the fast lane: chronic degenerative diseases in evolutionary perspective.
    Rural parents' communication with their teen-agers about sexual issues
    The Project Implementation Profile: New tool for project man-agers
    Cigarette smoking: objective evidence for lung damage in teen-agers
    Anterior dislocation of the shoulder in teen-agers and young adults. Five-year prognosis.
    Oral tissue alterations associated with the use of smokeless tobacco by teen-agers. Part I. Clinical findings.
    (12)The Growing up of a New Generation: The Socialization of Chinese Only child Teen agers and Its Outcome
    The effects of prolonged physiologic estradiol therapy on the maturation of hypogonadal teen-agers † †† †††
    Meaningful involvement in instrumental activity and well-being: Studies of older adolescents and at risk urban teen-agers