- This system demonstrates high specificity over both related proteins and related small molecules, and binds with a high degree of cooperativity.
Allostery and cooperativity revisited.
Rate, Timing, and Cooperativity Jointly Determine Cortical Synaptic Plasticity
Cooperativity between DNA Methyltransferases in the Maintenance Methylation of Repetitive Elements
Cooperativity of glucocorticoid response elements located far upstream of the tyrosine aminotransferase gene.
Synaptic enhancement in fascia dentata: Cooperativity among coactive afferents
Wild-type operator binding and altered cooperativity for inducer binding of lac repressor dimer mutant R3
Insulin interactions with its receptors: experimental evidence for negative cooperativity.
The molten globule state as a clue for understanding the folding and cooperativity of globular-protein structure.
Hyperglycemia Induces a Dynamic Cooperativity of Histone Methylase and Demethylase Enzymes Associated With Gene-Activating Epigeneti...
Distinct mechanisms for regulation of the interleukin-8 gene involve synergism and cooperativity between C/EBP and NF-kappa B.