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Highly directional emission from photonic crystal waveguides of subwavelength width.Design of plasmonic nanoantennae for enhancing spontaneous emission.Photonic-crystal ultrashort bends with improved transmission and low reflection at 1.55 μmPerfect reflection of light by an oscillating dipoleGold nanorods and nanospheroids for enhancing spontaneous emissionModification of single molecule fluorescence close to a nanostructure: radiation pattern, spontaneous emission and quenchingHighly efficient interfacing of guided plasmons and photons in nanowires.Strong extinction of a laser beam by a single moleculeModels and measurements for the transmission of submicron-width waveguide bends defined in two-dimensional photonic crystalsDeep-UV Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering of Adenine on Aluminum Nanoparticle Arrays