Givetheimmunesystemabreakfrom that life-or-deathbattle, and itmightbebetterableto do the surveillance work ofcorrallingstraycells that escape the initialtreatment.
Ironically,aJapanesetown wheredolphinwasn'tpopular becamethefirstto drawinternationalattention todrive hunting, the practice ofcorrallingthedolphinsintoacove.
Thereisa shocking amount ofwork that goes intocorralling that sort ofdataintosomethinguseful.
Apoptosis: corralling the corpses.Corralling Utensil with Associated Cutting BoardCorralling Virtual Machines With Encryption KeysISOcat: Corralling Data Categories in the WildLipid corralling and poloxamer squeeze-out in membranes.Corralling the Free Rider: Deterrence and the Western AllianceCorralling Conflict: The Politics of Australian Federal Heritage Legislation Since the 1970sTrapping, corralling and spectral bonding of optical resonances through optically induced potentialsOrder from disorder, corralling cholesterol with chaotic lipids : The role of polyunsaturated lipids in membrane raft formationRobust polarity establishment occurs via an endocytosis-based cortical corralling mechanism.