- Councilor Jones's name has been mud since he was implicated in official corruption.
自从琼斯政务员在履职中的腐败行为被揭露出来后,他的名声非常坏。 - Councilor Jones must have pulled a few strings to obtain planning permission to build another house in the grounds of his present one.
为了能在他现在土地使用范围再造所房子的计划得以批准,琼斯政务员一定是在背后拉了线。 - Finding his own scheme met with no support from the majority, the mayor faced about and supported the ideas of his Councilors.
Implementing a Councilor Model
Springfield Seeking New Councilor
Implementing a councilor model: process and outcomes
On the Origin of the Councilor System during the Pre-Qin Period
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Gender gap in medicine: only one woman councilor in the Japan Surgical Society.
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The Relation between School Councilor's Intrinsic Motivation and Management Conditions : Through the Analysis of Councilor's Questio...
Creating a culture of service excellence: empowering nurses within the shared governance councilor model