crater lake n. 火山口形成的深湖
explosion crater爆裂火口;爆破漏斗
- They blasted a huge crater in the runway.
他们在飞机跑道上炸了一个大坑。 - The depth of the crater is expected to be about 30 feet.
弹坑的深度预计约于30英尺。 - Lava boiled up from the crater of the volcano.
熔岩从火山口沸腾着升起来。 - Flames blazed out from the crater of the volcano.
Mineralogy at Gusev Crater from the Mössbauer spectrometer on the Spirit Rover.NEW PLANTS FROM CRATER MT., PAPUA NEW GUINEA, AND AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF THE SPECIESTextures of the soils and rocks at Gusev Crater from Spirit's Microscopic Imager.Chemistry of rocks and soils in Gusev Crater from the alpha particle x-ray spectrometer.The Spirit Rover's Athena science investigation at Gusev Crater, Mars.Initial Results from the Mini-TES Experiment in Gusev Crater from the Spirit RoverPancam multispectral imaging results from the Spirit Rover at Gusev Crater.Localization and Physical Properties Experiments Conducted by Spirit at Gusev CraterMagnetic properties experiments on the Mars exploration Rover Spirit at Gusev Crater.Mossbauer mineralogy of rock, soil, and dust at Gusev crater, Mars: Spirit’s journey through weakly altered olivine basalt on the p...