
  • n.

    助手,副官( aide的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义


    • n.(Greek mythology) the god of the underworld in ancient mythology; brother of Zeus and husband of Persephone




    Job satisfaction of nurse aides in nursing homes: intent to leave and turnover.
    Job turnover and job satisfaction among nursing home aides.
    Work factors and psychological distress in nurses' aides: a prospective cohort study
    A brief mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention for nurses and nurse aides
    Job strain among staff of rural nursing homes. A comparison of nurses, aides, and activity workers
    Work factors as predictors of sickness absence: a three month prospective study of nurses’ aides
    Work factors as predictors of intense or disabling low back pain; a prospective study of nurses' aides
    The relationship between staffing and quality in long-term care facilities: exploring the views of nurse aides.
    Prevalence of and risk factors for different measures of low back pain among female nursing aides in Taiwanese nursing homes
    Staff attitudes to oral health care. A comparative study of registered nurses, nursing assistants and home care aides