- The differences in the cuspid and the first molar distances of the casts were measured to determine the surgical change and the relapse.
Tri-cuspid three-tissue prosthetic heart valve
Comparative study of mini-implant for orthodontic anchorage and traditional anchorge in cuspid retration in adult patients with bima...
Estimating of the sizes of unerupted cuspid and bicuspid teeth
Natural occurrence of cuspid guidance
Restoring a maxillary right lateral incisor and cuspid using TNE temporary cement
Root Surface Area of the Mandibular Cuspid and Bicuspids
Prevalence and incidence of the metabolic syndrome in the European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis (ELSA) and its relation with ...
Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in elderly hypertensives: results of the APROS-diadys study
Lack of association between serum uric acid and organ damage in a never-treated essential hypertensive population at low prevalence ...
Ambulatory blood pressure, target organ damage and aortic root size in never-treated essential hypertensive patients