- It has a pair of large canine teeth in its upper jaw.
在它的上颚有一对大的犬齿。 - Both male and female walruses grow tusks, which are simply canine teeth that continue to grow throughout their lives.
Canine Tooth
Canine Tooth
Canine Tooth
Analysis of the dental morphology of Plio-Pleistocene hominids. V. Maxillary postcanine tooth morphology.
Canine tooth strength and killing behaviour in large carnivores
Regeneration of dental pulp after pulpotomy by transplantation of CD31(-)/CD146(-) side population cells from a canine tooth.
Thresholds to electrical stimulation of nerves in cat canine tooth-pulp with A beta-, A delta- and C-fibre conduction velocities.
Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth: Function of postcanine tooth crown shape in mammals
The distribution of mechanoreceptors in the periodontal ligament of the mandibular canine tooth of the cat.
Cercopithecoid canine tooth honing mechanisms.
Observations on the misplaced upper canine tooth
Each canine tooth projects to all brain stem trigeminal nuclei in cat.