- He could make a tool with a sharp edge for cutting.
他能做成一种刃口锋利的切削工具。 - Clean the shave after each use to keep the cutting edge sharp.
每次使用完后要清理电动剃须刀以保持刃口锋利。 - California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide.
加州走在全国流行的尖端。 - The Aerospace Technology Exposition included more than100 exhibitors addressing cutting edge aerospace technology.
航天科技博览会包括了一百多个参展商以解决尖端的航天技术问题。 - Speed up your performance and stay ahead with our cutting edge technology today.
提高您的业绩使用我们的前沿技术保持领先。 - Cutting edge know-how of a wide range of industrial applications in surface treatment.
Cutting-edge terahertz technology
Cutting-edge THz technology
The cutting-edge of mammalian development; how the embryo makes teeth.
Effectiveness of international environmental regimes: existing knowledge, cutting-edge themes, and research strategies
Spinning-disk Confocal Microscopy — A Cutting-Edge Tool for Imaging of Membrane Traffic
Frontiers in Research Review : Cutting-Edge Molecular Approaches to Therapeutics ANTISENSE OLIGONUCLEOTIDES : FROM DESIGN TO THERAPE...
Cutting-Edge Issues in Celiac Disease and in Gluten Intolerance
Body Piercing: Medical Concerns with Cutting-Edge Fashion
'Human-on-a-chip' developments: a translational cutting-edge alternative to systemic safety assessment and efficiency evaluation of ...
The Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA): A Cutting-Edge Way for Students and Teachers to Learn about Antarctica.