The Last Darky, by Louis Chude-Sokei: Theatre Research International
`These are the facts of the darky's history': Thinking history
The Last "Darky": Bert Williams, Black-on-Black Minstrelsy, and the African Diaspora (review)
Louis Chude-Sokei. The Last "Darky": Bert Williams, Black-on-Black Minstrelsy, and the African Diaspora
The Last “Darky”: Bert Williams, Black‐on‐Black Minstrelsy, and the Black Diaspora by Louis Chude‐Sokei
"These are the Facts of the Darky's History": Thinking History and Reading Names in Four African American Texts
Playing on the "Darky": Blackface Minstrelsy, Identity Construction, and the Deconstruction of Race in Toni Morrison's Paradise
The Last “Darky”: Bert Williams, Black‐on‐Black Minstrelsy, and the African Diaspora – By Louis Chude‐Sokei
Leslie Pasternack - The Last "Darky": Bert Williams, Black-On-Black Minstrelsy, and the African Diaspora (review) - Comparative Dram...
Construcción del sujeto en la narrativa de Jean Rhys, La: After Leaving Mr: Mackenzie, Voyage in the Darky Wide Sargasso Sea