- Her feet were deaden with cold.
她的脚都冻得麻木了。 - Unhappiness had deadened her to the lives of others.
Bubbles to deaden sound
Metaphors of Travel Deaden 'documenta X'
Acoustic enclosures deaden transformer noise
Years of sexless marriage deaden woman's desires
Caring Without Justice: How we deaden the spirits of gay and lesbian youth in schools
Composite sheet laid off the roll in cast floor construction to deaden footfall
Mechanism of mRNA deadenylation: evidence for a molecular interplay between translation termination factor eRF3 and mRNA deadenylases.
Deaden the use of microorganisms or condense the concentration of hazardous waste contaminated plant is called biodegradation. Biolo...
The progress and trends of automotive ornamental material used to absorb or deaden noise
The 2008 Killer Campaign: A Chicago Story of How Obama’s Campaign is Trying to Deaden Opposition to An Attack On Iran