- Dendrology is one foundational course in the Specialty of Forestry.
树木学是林学专业的专业基础课。 - Dendrology for gardening is more suitable for students from specialties relating to gardening.
Dendrology.DendrologyDendrologyDendrology (in Romanian)Dendrology and its applicationsTextbook of DendrologyTextbook of dendrology :Dendrology of groups in low ℚ-ranksDendrology of groups in low ${\bf Q}$-ranksTextbook of dendrology 6th editionCharcoal analysis and dendrology: data from archaeological sites in north-western FranceTextbook of Dendrology Covering the Important Forest Trees of the United States and Canada. by William M. Harlow; Ellwood S. HarrarWood uses at El Mirador Cave (Atapuerca, Burgos) based on anthracology and dendrology