- I was deterred from emigrating by the thought of leaving my family.
Bats Avoid Radar Installations: Could Electromagnetic Fields Deter Bats from Colliding with Wind Turbines?
Characterization of a Lectin from Lactarius deterrimus (Research on the Possible Involvement of the Fungal Lectin in Recognition bet...
Can corporate governance deter management from manipulating earnings? Evidence from related-party sales transactions in China
Does fear of immigration authorities deter tuberculosis patients from seeking care?
Does the fear of debt deter students from higher education?
Intercultural Consultations: Investigation Of Factors That Deter Non-English Speaking Women From Attending Their General Practitione...
Reducing human-elephant conflict: do chillies help deter elephants from entering crop fields?
Concerns over confidentiality may deter adolescents from consulting their doctors. A qualitative exploration
Deterimining ECa-depth profiles from electromagnetic induction measurements.
Characterization of a Lectin from Lactarius deterrimus