- Effect benefit wet detumescence.
功效利湿消肿。 - What can make facial detumescence?
detumescencedetumescencePenile detumescence: characterization of three phases.Norepinephrine Involvement in Penile DetumescencePersonality and conditioning of tumescence and detumescenceThe timing of ovulation with respect to sexual swelling detumescence in wild olive baboonsPossible role of bradykinin and angiotensin II in the regulation of penile erection and detumescence.Ultrastructural analysis of human penile corpus cavernosum. Its significance in tumescence and detumescence.Effects of sildenafil citrate on ejaculation latency, detumescence time, and refractory period: Placebo-controlled, double-blind, cr...Efficacy of shunt surgery for refractory low flow priapism: a report on the incidence of failed detumescence and erectile dysfunction