"Stepalated Prices,"1782Work with de-alated Mosquitos.Gauguin / tranalated from the Frech by Alisa JaffaProsecutors Say Lake Villa School Slaying CalcualatedREMOVAL OF COPPER(II) IONS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION ONTO CHITOSAN INTECALATED CLAYNeuroethological evaluation of audiogenic seizures in hemidetelencephalated rats.Calcualated Phase Diagrams of the Ni-Mo-B and Ni-W-B Ternary Systems on the Basis of the Data Obtained by Thermodynamic Measurement ...Copper containing nanosilica thioalated dendritic material: A recyclable catalyst for synthesis of benzimidazoles and benzothiazolesChemical Embryology: By JEAN BRACHET. Tranalated by LESTER G. BARTH. New York: Interscience Publishers, 1950. Pp. 533. $8.00MOSA를 이용한 다목적함수 최적화 및 성능평가 알고리즘 개발 = Multiobjective optimization using simualated annealing and multiobjectiv...