disarrangeddisarrangedAdaptation to Disarranged Eye-Hand Coördination in the Distance-DimensionAdaptation of disarranged hand-eye coordination contingent upon re-afferent stimulation.AN ATTEMPT TO REPLICATE A STUDY OF DISARRANGED EYE-HAND COORDINATIONTechnique for studying adaptation to disarranged hand-eye coordinationEFFECT OF EXPOSURE TIME ON ADAPTATION TO DISARRANGED HAND-EYE COORDINATIONStable programming for map orientation in disarranged embryonic eyes in Xenopus.The Glassy State as the Lawfully Disarranged State. Vibration Uncertainty and Chaos-Like MovementsStability of retinal positional specificity in disarranged embryonic eyes in Xenopus [proceedings]