- He was discontented with his salary.
他对自己的薪水感到不满。 - You're a discontented mother and a regimented wife.
妳是个不满现实的母亲,一个失去自由的妻子。 - She has a discontented look, as if she never enjoys life.
Discontented America : the United States in the 1920s
Discontented discourses : feminism/textual intervention/psychoanalysis
Discontented Categories: Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna in Indian Buddhist History
Discontented Miracles: Growth, Conflict, and Institutional Adaptations in China
Discontented people: reactivity and locus of control as determinants of subjective well‐being
An exploratory study of discontented responses in American and Chinese relationships
A Discontented Diaspora: Japanese Brazilians and the Meanings of Ethnic Militancy, 1960–1980 by Jeffrey Lesser
‘They must be discontented’: racial threat, black mobilization and the passage of school closing policies
'Ruffled' Mistresses and 'Discontented' Maids: Respectability and the Case of Domestic Service, 1880-1914
Comparison of Perceived Occupational Stress Between Teachers who are Contented and Discontented in their Career Choices