- It's inevitable that there will be the occasional disgruntled customer.
Disgruntled homeopathists seek remedy in court.
Disgruntled Guests: Iranian Subaltern on the Margins of the Tsarist Empire
Disgruntled, Disillusioned and Disengaged: Public Attitudes to Politics in Britain Today
The role of call centers in mollifying disgruntled guests
Where Are the Disgruntled Voters?: Voter--Party Relations under Cartelizing Conditions
School Law—Ejecting Disgruntled Students' Claims: A Modern Educational Theory
Workplace violence and the media: the myth of the disgruntled employee.
Identifying disgruntled employee systems fraud risk through text mining: A simple solution for a multi-billion dollar problem
A Consulting Giant; a Disgruntled Client: A ‘Failed’ Attempt to Change Management Controls in a Public Sector Organisation
The Descendants of Fassihi: A Comparative Analysis of Recent Cases Addressing the Fiduciary Claims of Disgruntled Constituents Again...