- He looked at me with displeasure.
他不高兴地看着我。 - I incurred her displeasure by refusing the invitation.
我因拒绝邀请而惹怒了她。 - He dared his grandfather's displeasure when he left the family business.
他不顾祖父的不悦,放下了家族的生意。 - The crowd howled its displeasure.
人群怒吼著表示不满。 - I have displeasure with what he did.
[Pleasure and displeasure in meeting]
Pleasure and displeasure from the body: Perspectives from exercise.
Pleasure, displeasure, and mixed feelings: Are semantic opposites mutually exclusive?
Response latencies of pleasure and displeasure ratings: Further evidence for mixed feelings.
Identifying expressions of pleasure and displeasure by persons with profound and multiple disabilities.
A Time-Series Analysis of Withdrawal, Hostility, and Displeasure in Satisfied and Dissatisfied Marriages
The pleasure and displeasure people feel when they exercise at different intensities: decennial update and progress towards a tripar...
Effect of caffeine on RPE and perceptions of pain, arousal, and pleasure/displeasure during a cycling time trial in endurance traine...