unaccountably, disproportionately, unconsciously, indefinitely
- Single mothers and their children, who disproportionately receive food stamps, would see declines in the rates of poverty because noncash aid would be taken into account.
Do Predators Always Capture Substandard Individuals Disproportionately From Prey Populations?
Realistic Species Losses Disproportionately Reduce Grassland Resistance to Biological Invaders
Mortality after acute myocardial infarction in hospitals that disproportionately treat black patients.
Diabetes-related lower-extremity amputations disproportionately affect Blacks and Mexican Americans.
Disproportionately elevated proinsulin levels reflect the degree of impaired B cell secretory capacity in patients with noninsulin-d...
Serum proinsulin levels are disproportionately increased in elderly prediabetic subjects
Identifying Areas of Concentrated Use within the Home Range
Gazelles as Job Creators – A Survey and Interpretation of the Evidence
Interactional synchrony and the origins of infant-mother attachment: a replication study
JSTOR: Ecology, Vol. 68, No. 3 (Jun., 1987), pp. 669-674