- May the player replace the divot before playing his next stroke?
STI DIVOT AND SEAM ELIMINATIONThe Collisional Divot in the Kuiper belt Size DistributionComplications of two types of pancreatic anastomoses after pancreaticoduodenectomyRecovery of Zoysiagrass Varieties from Divot InjuryUltrasound diagnosis of nuchal cord: the gray-scale divot signOxybutynin as a treatment for generalized hyperhidrosis: a randomized, placebo‐controlled trialDivot repair deviceDetection of a divot in the size distribution of the Kuiper Belt's scattering objectsThe hidden divot fracture: Brogdon's fracture, a new type of incomplete fractureColonoscopic clipping closure of a divot after the removal of an impacted chicken bone.