Upper permian segmented sponges from Djebel Tebaga, Tunisia
Intercalation of halloysite from Djebel Debagh (Algeria) and adsorption of copper ions
Structural evolution of Djebel Debadib Anticline: A clue to the regional tectonic style of the Tunisian Atlas
Monographie paléontologique des affleurements permiens du Djebel Tebaga (Sud Tunisien)
Le gisement moustérien du Djebel Irhoud, Maroc: précisions sur la faune et la biochronologie, et description d'un nouveau reste hu...
Seismic modeling of an early Jurassic, drowned carbonate platform: Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco
Relation entre les formations carbonatées apto-albiennes et le Trias diapirique de Djebel Boukhadra (NE Algérien)
Evolution of a High-Relief Carbonate Platform Slope Using 3D Digital Outcrop Models: Lower Jurassic Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Mo...
Volumetric and asymmetry determinations on recent hominid endocasts: Spy I and II, Djebel Ihroud I, and the Sale Homo erectus specim...