- He cuts down the finest story-teller in our class.
他胜过我们班级里最好的故事员。 - One good argument weighs down eighteen bad ones.
正理一条胜过歪理十八条。 - Honest merchants do not do in their customers.
诚实的商人不欺骗他们的顾客。 - The scheme was a do from the start.
An early developmental role for eph-ephrin interaction during vertebrate gastrulation.
Checkmate network security modeling
Accepted for the Council:
Give me just one night (uno noche)
Investigation of a [1.1.1]bicyclopentane as a phenyl replacement within an LpPLA2 inhibitor
Investigation of a Bicyclo[1.1.1]pentane as a Phenyl Replacement within an LpPLA2 Inhibitor
Ulster Workers' Council
Running head: procrastination: causes and effects procrastination
Oil End Slightly Higher On Day, Down 1.2% On Week
Risk of death and myocardial infarction in patients with and without repeat revascularization following stenting