- How about a universe that is simply an empty dodecahedron?
Rhombic dodecahedron shape for self-assembling robots
Adenovirus dodecahedron, a new vector for human gene transfer
CMB Anisotropy of the Poincare Dodecahedron
CMB anisotropy of the Poincaré dodecahedron
Fuzzy Dodecahedron topology and E -infinity spacetime as a model for quantum physics
Self-assembly of a DNA dodecahedron from 20 trisoligonucleotides with C(3h) linkers
Adenovirus 3 penton dodecahedron exhibits structural changes of the base on fibre binding
Polyhedral Au nanocrystals exclusively bound by {110} facets: the rhombic dodecahedron.
A keplerate magnetic cluster featuring an icosidodecahedron of Ni(II) ions encapsulating a dodecahedron of La(III) ions
Synthesis, structure, and properties of [Co8S6(SC6H5)8]4-, containing an octanuclear Co8S6 rhombic dodecahedron related to that of c...