The French Guyana doleritic dykes: geochemical evidence of three populations and new data for the Jurassic Central Atlantic Magmatic...
Magnetic viscosity of some doleritic basalts in relation to the interpretation of the oceanic magnetic anomalies
Permian doleritic dikes in the Beishan Orogenic Belt, NW China: Asthenosphere–lithosphere interaction in response to slab break-off
Geometries of doleritic intrusions in central Spitsbergen, Svalbard: an integrated study of an onshore-offshore magmatic province wi...
Carn Goedog is the likely major source of Stonehenge doleritic bluestones: evidence based on compatible element geochemistry and Pri...
The Cuaró Mesozoic doleritic dyke swarm, southern Paraná basin, Uruguay: Examples of superimposed magnetic fabrics?
Numerical modelling of the hydrocarbon generation of Tertiary source rocks intruded by doleritic sills in the Zhanhua depression, Bo...
Tectonic Significance and Age of Doleritic Sill Near Bandhalimal in the Singhora Protobasin of Chhattisgarh Basin, Central India