Cenozoic dolomites of carbonate islands: their attributes and originThe isotopic composition of secondary dolomitesField observations of a debris flow event in the DolomitesAn isotopic study of siderites, dolomites and ankerites at high temperatures ☆Performance of Different Dolomites on Hot Raw Gas Cleaning from Biomass Gasification with AirLandslides and climate change in the Italian Dolomites since the Late glacialSuspended sediment load during floods in a small stream of the Dolomites (northeastern Italy)OXYGEN AND CARBON ISOTOPE RATIOS IN COEXISTING CALCITES AND DOLOMITES FROM RECENT AND ANCIENT SEDIMENTSProgradation geometries of carbonate platforms: examples from the Triassic of the Dolomites, northern ItalyClassification and Environmental Significance of Cryptalgal Limestones and Dolomites, with Illustrations from the Cambrian and Ordov...